Friday, December 16, 2011

Music Class

by HouseBoy

I got the chance to visit Evan and Audrey in their music class recently... It was great fun. Evan is working with Taiko Drums and learning about rhythms and beats and drumming styles.
Audrey is working with different percussion instruments including a xylophone and a glockenspiel.
Her teacher is great... she manages to incorporate Indian elements into each of her lessons.  Audrey has been learning the Gujarati dance called, Dandiya Raas. The dance uses sticks and two opposing circles (one of men and one of women). Very fun and very animated and goes great with Bollywood music!
Both of the kids gave the parents a little performance and then we were brought into the music as well. I tried out my skills playing the bass xylophone while the kids sang and played conga drums...


Heidi said...

Do you remember doing the Dandyia Ras at my wedding?

TheKidz said...

Yes! It is very popular. We practiced this dance at Lotus Valley and now at AES.