Wednesday, July 21, 2010

The Last Tour

Evan wanted to give you a tour of our ATS apartment before we move from Noida to New Delhi... so here we go!

Our apartment is quite big. Here are some pictures I took with Dad's camera:

Our living room has a sofa and some chairs and our television. This is the room we watch movies in. That door leads to our balcony. We can watch everybody from the balcony.

This is the dining room. This is the room we eat in. It's right next to the living room.

My room. This is the room Audrey and I sleep in. Audrey has the top bunk. We play a lot of games in here. Audrey and I like to play with our friends in here.

The bathrooms. We have three of them. These are the rooms we wash our hands in. We wash our hands a lot here in India!

This is my Mom and Dad's room. It is a little bigger. Thought the door is a small balcony. We hang our clothes out to dry on the balcony.

The Guest Room.  This is were people have slept when they came to visit. Mom works at night in this room when she is on her calls to the U.S.

And last but not least, our kitchen. Our cook, or my Dad usually make dinner. We don't have a regular oven, but we can cook on the stove and in our microwave. Dad says we will have an oven when we move into our new apartment in Delhi.

Hope you enjoyed the tour. We have lived in this apartment since January, 2009!

Evan Sayer   July, 2010


Heidi said...

Great tour! I miss that apartment! I really miss you guys!!!!

TheKidz said...

Evan is planning a tour of our new flat once we are all set up... stay tuned!