Saturday, December 3, 2011

Me & My Grandma Watching TV Together

   by Evan Sayer

We started at my Grandma's house. We were driving to my Aunt's house.


I looked around. We were still on the highway.
"How many more hours?" I moaned.
"About two and  a half," answered my Dad.

Two and a half hours later...

Finally I opened the car door and took a deep breath: "Aaahhh!"  Fresh afternoon air I thought as I walked up the stars to the front porch.
"Don't forget your backpack!" my Dad yelled after me.
"I won't!" I yelled back.

Three hours later...

Later that night as I walked down the stairs I smelled the smell of juicy roast turkey.
"Mmmm!" I said smiling. Then I saw it, a large juicy roast turkey.
"How long until we watch our show?" I asked.
"Oh yeah!" remembered my sister.
"Twenty minutes," answered my Grandma.

Fifteen minutes later...

As I walk into the living room I smell the carrot cake. "Mmmm!" I say.
"It's time!" my Grandma says.
"For what?" I ask.
"For AGT," answers my Grandma.
"What's AGT?" I ask.
"America's Got Talent!" answers my Grandma.

Five minutes later...

I sit down on the couch with a plate and a fork. My mouth waters as I look at the cake. "BLING!" The TV turns on. My Grandma flips through the channels.
"Where is it?" asks my sister.
"Don't ask me," I say.

Thirty seconds later...

"We're never going to find it!" my sister cries.
"There!" I say.
"Yes!" shouts my sister.
"Shhh!" whispers my aunt.
"Sorry," my sister says.
"Shut up and watch the show!" I say.
"Watch your mouth, Honey!" says my Mom as the TV blared.
"Shush!" says my sister.
"WAAAAA!" cries baby Che.
"Argh!" I moan.

"Bom! Bom!  Bom! Bom! Bom!   Bom!  Bom!!!!!!!" blared the AGT music.

1 comment:

Heidi said...

I love Che's bit part. ;-)